South Africa's governing party, lost its 30-year majority Sunday (June 2) as it managed to win only 159 out of 400 seats in ...
During an air show performance in southern Portugal on Sunday, two small planes collided in midair, according to the air ...
Hunter Biden, 54, is accused of violating federal law by purchasing and possessing a firearm while abusing or addicted to ...
With the fresh hike, the revised milk prices for variants such as 500 ml Amul buffalo milk, 500 ml Amul Gold milk, and 500 ml ...
An immunotherapy drug, pembrolizumab, has shown the potential to "melt away" tumours in bowel cancer patients, as per a news ...
The Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance is projected to secure more than 315 seats, crossing the Lok ...
After 30 years of dominance, the ANC faces its toughest election yet as i loses majority, gets down to 40% with 99% of votes ...
Israel's Defence Minister Yoav Gallant announced on Sunday (June 2) that Israel would not tolerate Hamas continuing its ...
Israel's Defence Minister Yoav Gallant announced on Sunday (June 2) that Israel would not tolerate Hamas continuing its ...
A Russian strike in the eastern city of Kharkiv has injured thirteen people after continuous missile strikes by Russia.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been the face of Ukraine's resistance against Russia since Moscow launched its ...
On Sunday, a part of the Thajwas glacier collapsed near Sonamarg in Jammu and Kashmir's Ganderbal district, leaving one ...