Both Israel and Hamas committed war crimes in the early stages of the Gaza war, a U.N. inquiry found on Wednesday, saying ...
KYIV, June 12 (Reuters) - When the power goes down and the elevator stops working, Ukrainian couple Maryna and Valeriy Tkalich leave the pushchair on the ground floor and carry their two-month-old son ...
June 11 (Reuters) - Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk on Tuesday moved to dismiss his lawsuit accusing ChatGPT maker OpenAI ...
June 12 (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he wants all remaining Bitcoin to be ...
LONDON, June 12 (Reuters) - British police said they had charged a 28-year old man with using threatening behaviour after he ...
[東京 12日 ロイター] - 林芳正官房長官は12日午後の会見で、ロシアに軍事転用可能な物資を第三国が提供することで、対ロ制裁の回避や迂回が生じていることは政府として認識していると述べた。
June 12 (Reuters) - Andy Murray may opt out of challenging for a third Olympic gold medal at the Paris Games next month if he ...
LITTLETON, Colorado, June 12 (Reuters) - The BRICS group of major emerging economies - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South ...
, opens new tab, ahead of possible lawsuits in Britain over emissions tests that could cost companies over $7.5 billion.
[12日 ロイター] - 英国立統計局(ONS)が12日発表した4月の国内総生産(GDP)は前月比横ばいだった。サービス業が好調だったが、雨天が多かったことも影響し建設業や製造業が低迷した。選挙を控えたスナク政権には悪材料となる。
June 12 (Reuters) - European shares opened higher on Wednesday, supported by a drop in euro zone bond yields, while investor ...
[ニューヨーク 11日 ロイター] - 米エネルギー情報局(EIA)は11日に発表した6月の短期エネルギー見通しで、2024年の米原油生産予想を前年比31万バレル増の日量1324万 ...